SPED Failure Map

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The SPED Failure Map is an illustration of the process that many students and families go through within the school system. The text from this graphic is accessible on this webpage.

SPED Failure Map

Start: Repeated IEP/504 Failure OR Trouble with Identification

How it should happen

The Ask 

The student needs additional support. The family requests support.

The Need

The needs are identified by the family and teachers as a team. Needs are met.

The Progress

The Student Progresses!

What happens when it goes wrong?

The Ask 

The student needs additional support. The family requests support.

The Need

Needs not met and repeated failure to follow the IEP/504

The Ask and The Need Repeat in a Cycle (many times)

The Obstruction

District staff is brought in adding to delays in services.


The Dominos

The Dominos Continue

Other students have awareness and this impacts their equity views


The District

The Student

The Family

Trust is broken and school becomes an antagonistic environment for the student


The District

The Student

The Family