How Do We Make School Safe for Everyone?

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How do we make schools safe for everyone? This graphic presents problems and solutions for safety in school this graphic is accessible on this webpage.

How Do We Make School Safe for Everyone?

The problem? Ignoring or not following the IEP, 504, or BSP. Ignoring parent experience and advice.

A Solution

Schools and parents should partner together to make school a safe space for all disabled students. Using Collaborative Problem Solving with parents and students can help defuse stressful situations before they become difficult. The onus of telling teachers what is in the IEP, BSP, or 504 should not be on the student or the parent. Teachers and school teams should review plans and know what needs to happen BEFORE it's necessary.

The Problem? Allowing bullying and harassment of students with disabilities from teachers and other students.

A Solution

Work on understanding disability inclusion and allyship for teachers and students. 

Train teachers in co-regulation and de-escalation so students don't reach the point of no return. Listen to and value the voices of disabled students in the classroom. 

The Problem? Rigidity and lack of access.

A Solution

Think outside the box with specific solutions for specific needs:

The Problem? Ableism. It's an issue of equity.

A Solution

What is Ableism? It is discrimination in favor of non-disabled people. It is based on an assumption that the physical, cognitive, and sensory differences of disabled people are deficits. It is rooted in the medical model of disability that assumes that disabled people need to be fixed.

Instead, presume competence: disabled students want to learn and participate. They are capable. 

Normalizing disability for teachers and students can help create an environment where disabled students can feel safe to ask for help.

Solutions have to start at the top of the district and be supported all the way through to the student.

What do These Solutions Foster?

Everyone Thrives!